A. The passage does not provide specific information about Tiktaalik using its fingers for land movement, so this is not strongly supported by the text.
B. The passage does not detail whether the fingers were the only significant feature of Tiktaalik.
C. The ancestral relationship of Tiktaalik to current fish species is not discussed in the passage.
D. There is no information provided about the abilities of fish without fingers to move on land.
E. (Correct Response) The passage implies that Tiktaalik's significance in evolutionary history cannot be fully appreciated by comparing it to other fish of its time due to the noted variations among prehistoric fish species. Instead, its importance seems to be derived from its evolutionary relationship to land animals with fingers, which suggests that its significance is understood in a broader evolutionary context rather than through direct comparison to its contemporaries. This supports the idea that the evolutionary significance of Tiktaalik is not determined merely through comparison to other fish species of its time.