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LSAT Preptest 154, Section 1, Question 13

"Columnist: Computer voice-recognition technology…"


The task is to identify the assumption that the columnist must be making for the argument to hold logically.

A. (Correct Response) The columnist assumes that distinguishing between homophones requires the ability to recognize grammatical and semantic relations. This assumption is necessary because, if the technology could distinguish homophones without this ability, the argument would not be valid because this is the sole piece of support. 

B. This statement is a prediction about the future capabilities of voice-recognition technology and its potential accuracy, not an underlying assumption that the current argument depends on. 

C. While this statement about human capability may be true, it is not an assumption that underpins the columnist's argument about the current limitations of voice-recognition technology. 

D. The argument does not claim that the recognition of grammatical and semantic relations is impossible without distinguishing homophones; it suggests that distinguishing homophones is necessary for accurate translation, which is a different point. 

E. The columnist's argument does not depend on the current abilities of spelling and grammar checks in computer programs; it is about voice-recognition technology's specific need to distinguish homophones for accurate translation.

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