A. There is no discussion in either passage that suggests a difference in categorizing short versus long works of fiction by genre.
B. The passages do not discuss the initial purpose behind the writing of detective or science fiction works in terms of artistic intent versus entertainment.
C. The passages do not make any assertions about the scholarly value of defining genre boundaries; they focus more on how genres affect reading and interpretation.
D. There is no mention of the literary value of genre stories in relation to their adherence to or deviation from genre conventions.
E. (Correct Response) This aligns with the discussions in both passages which suggest that the genre is not merely about plot, characters, and settings but also about how texts are read and the protocols they evoke. Passage A specifically discusses how different reading approaches can frame the same text in different genres, and Passage B emphasizes the role of reading protocols in distinguishing between genres.
Both passages agree that the classification of a work of fiction into a genre can depend on factors beyond just the elements of the story itself. They both suggest that the reader's approach to a text and the conventions it invokes are what determine its genre.