A. The passage does not discuss diseases that affect both plants and human beings; therefore, this statement is not supported by the information provided.
B. (Correct Response) The passage mentions that forests provide recreation, reduce flooding, and prevent soil erosion that clogs rivers with silt (first paragraph). While it does not directly mention water-based transportation, it is reasonable to infer that the prevention of soil erosion and the resultant avoidance of river clogging would have a positive effect on water-based transportation.
C. The passage states that commercial plantations make up just 3 percent of the world's forest area (second paragraph), which implies that there are more non-commercial than commercial forests.
D. There is no comparison in the passage between the number of endangered species in tropical versus non-tropical forests.
E. The passage does not provide information about where the goods produced by commercial plantations are used, whether locally or internationally.
The passage provides information suggesting that deforestation can have negative effects on flooding and soil erosion, which in turn can affect rivers (first paragraph). It is reasonable to infer that such effects on rivers could impact water-based transportation systems.